NAACP Governance
More than 2,200 NAACP units are working across the country to end racial discrimination. Each unit is governed by the NAACP Constitution and the Bylaws for Units. Click on pdf to see the Bylaws.
Bylaws include:
Name and jurisdiction of units
Objectives and organization structure for units
Leadership elections and removals
These Bylaws for Units pertain to all Units of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and should be read in conjunction with the Constitution of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Please refer to the bylaws for information on officer and committee duties. All Standing Committees must have at least three (3) appointed members. They shall report in writing each month to the Executive Committee at its regular meetings.
Afro-Academic Cultural Technological and
Scientific Olympic (ACT-SO)
Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO):The Committee on ACT-SO shall follow these rules: (1) must be properly registered annually with the National Office and follow all directives outlined by the National ACT-SO Program; (2) understand that it is a major project of the NAACP. With ACT-SO, the NAACP is providing an instrument through which African-American youth are encouraged and inspired toward excellence in academic and cultural pursuits while benefiting from the maximum support of their communities; (3) uphold its goal of ACT-SO that affords the same respect for African-American Scholastic and cultural achievement that is given to heroes; and (4) recognizing that ACT-SO conducts annual academic competitions forstudents in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) in NAACP Branches throughout the country in accordance with the published guidelines of the National Office and oversight of the National Director of ACT-SO Program
Armed Service and Veterans Affairs
Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs.The Committee on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs shall: (1) seek to establish a working relationship with those agencies in government, national, state and local, having the responsibility in the affairs of members of the various Armed Services and Veterans and to see that the programs to which they are responsible are administered fairly and justly to members of the minority community; (2) study conditions pertaining to veterans and members of the Military Service and their dependents and/or survivors in the community; (3) serve as a center of information on matters affecting the members of the Active Military, Reserves, State National Guard and Veterans; (4) maintain a repository of materials, information and forms to be used in assisting veterans and/or dependents of veterans and military personnel with their problems; (5) receive and act on all complaints relative to acts of discrimination on account of race, color, creed, or denial of benefits to which they are entitled because of discrimination; (6) Bylaws for Units of the NAACP [Adopted Effective March2019] prepare a quarterly report on committee activities to be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Unit and the National Director of Armed Services and Veterans Affairs
Behavioral Health
WHEREAS, with good mental health, a person will feel in control of their emotions, will have good cognitive functioning, and will have positive interactions with people around them. This state allows a person to perform well at work, in their studies, and in family and other social relationships, allowing them the ability to make a contribution to his or her community; and WHEREAS, mental health problems are more common than heart disease, lung disease and cancer combined, and in some way shape and form, affect all of society; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that one in five Americans will experience a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year, such as depression, anxiety, substance use, trauma, eating disorders, psychosis, and deliberate self-injury. Others will experience distress or face a mental challenge that may require support and assistance, but not medical intervention; and WHEREAS, many mental health disorders are effectively treated in a professional setting, access to mental health care is a significant issue, especially for those without insurance or who are not able to take advantage of the limited public funds that, in most states, are prioritized for those with serious mental illness, leaving out those who can benefit from behavioral health services; and WHEREAS, co-morbidity, or a mental health condition along with another medical condition, is also a problem. The co-existence of mental illness and substance abuse is common. For example, it is common for those with mental illness to "self-medicate" with alcohol or other drugs. The seriousness of other co-morbidity examples such as substance abuse and diabetes, or depression and hypertension, are often forgotten, along with the impact one condition and its treatment can have on the other health issue. Therefore, it is imperative that for whatever type of condition a person seeks help, clinicians must assess the need for medical, mental health, and substance abuse services. It is even more desirable that the ability to treat all of these conditions be seamless, preferably co-located; and WHEREAS, the release of ex-offenders from correctional institutions has increased the need for behavioral health services. It has been well-documented that many of those who find themselves incarcerated suffer from untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues. Many ex-offenders require substance abuse services upon their re-entry, to deal with addiction problems that were only "interrupted" by their incarceration, not cured. The same conditions leading to the prior abuse very likely continue after release from incarceration; and WHEREAS, stigma, a cluster of negative attitudes and beliefs that motivate the public to fear, reject, avoid and discriminate against people with mental illness, is another barrier to many individuals in distress to accept offers of help and/or to avoid seeking help because of the widespread stigma surrounding mental health. Stigma assumes many subtle and overt forms that can affect all areas of a person's life. Stigma may also prevent individuals from acknowledging they need help, may affect access to care and the quality of such care and may result in the person internalizing negative attitudes about themselves. It has been said that, "fighting the shame and stigma of mental illness is more difficult than battling the illness itself"; and WHEREAS, experience and research show that individuals living with mental disorders and mental health problems can lead full lives and be contributing members of society, can recover being able to live, work, learn, and participate in their communities; and WHEREAS, with increased awareness of the need for mental health services comes greater identification of those who can benefit from such services, and ultimately increased need. Federally Qualified Health Centers and other urban providers are confronted by these realities each day; and WHEREAS, in the Affordable Care Act, it is fortunate that mental health care is as important as physical health care. The increased need for services is somewhat addressed by states that have expanded Medicaid rolls in keeping with the Affordable Care Act. For others, increased awareness is simply drawing more attention to the lack of much needed services; and WHEREAS, Mental Health First Aid is an outstanding program for teaching the general public to recognize the need for mental health services, and proper understanding and response to those who may have behavioral health problems and/or mental health crisis. It is appropriate for youth and adults — anyone who has an interest in learning how to respond with compassion and the ability to de- escalate potentially volatile situations. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NAACP continue to strongly advocate through legislation for Medicaid expansion in the 22 states currently without and maintain expansion in the 28 states and the District of Columbia that currently have it; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NAACP units participate in training such as Mental Health First Aid (USA) that teaches the general public how to recognize symptoms of mental health problems, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate treatments and other supportive help; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the NAACP engage in an ongoing approach to and remain staunch advocates for increased culturally competent mental illness awareness and recovery for persons within the communities that we serve.
Communications, Press, and Publicity
The Committee on Communications, Press and Publicity shall: (1) seek to promote media content consistent with fundamental NAACP goals which include the elimination of racial isolation and fear and the furtherance of multiracial and cultural understanding; (2) work to eliminate employment segregation and discrimination in those industries, [comprising the communications arts and sciences] (radio, telephone, television, motion pictures, newspapers, books, related computer communications, business, cable television); (3) seek to ensure Black minority ownership and control of print and electronic media —both hardware and software; (4) monitor local and national media, especially advertising performance; (5) provide the National Office with research and data on those local businesses engaged in communications arts and sciences; (6) seek to ensure that all people have a meaningful right to choose from and have access to a variety of high quality telecommunications goods and services at reasonable cost; (7) endeavor to secure publicity for the work of the Unit and the Association in the local press and on radio, television and other media; (8) attempt to interest persons in charge of local news media on conditions affecting minority groups; (9) seek to counteract derogatory and erroneous statements in local news media about Blacks and other minority groups; (10) be responsible for forwarding to THE CRISIS items covering Unit activities and important local affairs; and (11) act as far as possible as an agency for the promotion and sale of THE CRISIS. Nopublicity shall be released without first being approved by the President of the Unit.
Community Coordination
The Committee on Community Coordination shall enlist the support of other community organizations on issues affecting the interests of African Americans and other communities of color.
Criminal Justice
The Committee on Criminal Justice shall: (1) seek to eliminate harsh and unfair sentencing practices that are responsible for mass incarceration and racial disparities in the prison system, (2) support and seek to increase trust and public safety by advancing effective law enforcement practices, (3) fight for the restoration of the voting rights of formerly incarcerated people and the removal of barriers to employment, (4) elevate the voices of crime victim survivors in order to identify and advance systemic breakdowns existing in the criminal justice system that Bylaws for Units of the NAACP[Adopted Effective March2019]45perpetuate crime, (5) resolve to end the war on drugs for its disproportionate collateral consequences harm communities of color, (6) seek the institution and availability of alternatives to incarceration including education, employment, and mental health services, (7) eliminate zero tolerance policies implemented in our schools which are keeping kids out of the classroom and putting them on a path from the schoolhouse to the jailhouse, (8) investigate programs implemented in our local law enforcement agencies which derail from their main purpose of safety and order to conduct the work of federal agencies for which they do not have the capacity, and (9) seek budget modifications in states where incarceration receives more funding than education.
Economic Development
The Committee on Criminal Justice shall: (1) seek to eliminate harsh and unfair sentencing practices that are responsible for mass incarceration and racial disparities in the prison system, (2) support and seek to increase trust and public safety by advancing effective law enforcement practices, (3) fight for the restoration of the voting rights of formerly incarcerated people and the removal of barriers to employment, (4) elevate the voices of crime victim survivors in order to identify and advance systemic breakdowns existing in the criminal justice system that Bylaws for Units of the NAACP[Adopted Effective March2019]45perpetuate crime, (5) resolve to end the war on drugs for its disproportionate collateral consequences harm communities of color, (6) seek the institution and availability of alternatives to incarceration including education, employment, and mental health services, (7) eliminate zero tolerance policies implemented in our schools which are keeping kids out of the classroom and putting them on a path from the schoolhouse to the jailhouse, (8) investigate programs implemented in our local law enforcement agencies which derail from their main purpose of safety and order to conduct the work of federal agencies for which they do not have the capacity, and (9) seek budget modifications in states where incarceration receives more funding than education.
The Committee on Education shall: (1) seek to eliminate segregation and other discriminatory practices in public education; (2) study local educational conditions affecting minority groups; (3) investigate the public school system and school zoning;(4) familiarize itself with textbook material there from which is racially derogatory; (5) seek to stimulate school attendance; (6) keep informed of school conditions and strive to correct abuses where found; (7) investigate the effects of standardized and high stakes testing practices; (8) teacher certification; (9) promote parental involvement in education; and (10) aim to be a center of popular education on the race question and on the work of the Association.h.Environmental and Climate Justice.The Environmental and Climate Justice Committee shall: (1) seek to address environmental inequities at the local level and advocate for civil rights issues (2) develop a comprehensive and holistic agenda to reduce pollution (3) advance energy efficiency and clean energy (4) build disaster resilient infrastructure policies and practices.
The Environmental and Climate Justice Committee shall: (1) seek to address environmental inequities at the local level and advocate for civil rights issues (2) develop a comprehensive and holistic agenda to reduce pollution (3) advance energy efficiency and clean energy (4) build disaster resilient infrastructure policies and practices.
The Finance Committee shall consist of the President, Treasurer, and at least one other member. It shall study the financial needs of the Unit and shall be responsible for drafting an adequate annual budget.
Freedom Fund
The Freedom Fund Committee shall plan and conduct fund-raising activities, entertainment and other projects, for local and national purposes within the scope of the Association’s program. It shall work closely with the Finance Committee.
The Health Committee shall: (1) work to promote, protect and maintain the health of African Americans; (2) assess the health needs of the community; (3) advocate for equal access to health education, care, treatment and research for all Americans; (4) sponsor health-related activities such as health forums, fairs and workshops highlighting issues of importance to people of color; and (5) support health initiatives of the Association.
he Committee on Housing shall: (1) study housing conditions in the local community; (2) receive and seek to address complaints of discrimination; (3) oppose all restrictive practices whether public or private; and (4) disseminate information and rendersuch other assistance which may eliminate discrimination in housing.
Labor and Industry
The Labor and Industry Committee shall seek ways to improve the economic status of minority groups by: (1) working to eliminate discriminatory employment practices in industry and government, wage differentials based on race, unequal opportunities for training, promotion and unfair dismissals; (2) encouraging greater participation in the trade union movement; (3) working to end discriminatory practices in labor unions; (4) securing the enactment of state and federal fair employment practices legislation; and (5) working for improved opportunities in vocational and apprenticeship training.
Legal Redress
The Legal Redress Committee shall: (1) investigate all cases reported to it; (2) supervise all litigation in which the Unit is interested; and (3) keep the National Office and the Branch informed on the progress of every case. It shall not give general legal advice.
Membership and Life Membership
The Membership Committee shall: (1) work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association; (2) be responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign; (3) be responsible on a continuous basis Bylaws for Units of the NAACP for soliciting new members and for securing renewals; and (4) initiate all possible means to obtain Life Members and sponsor a continuing program towards this end.
Political Action
The Political Action Committee shall: (1) seek to increase registration and voting; (2) work for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups; (3) seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation; (4) work to improve the administration of justice; (5) work to secure equal enforcement of the law; and (6) keep the National Office and the Unit informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.
Religious Affairs
The Religious Affairs Committee shall include ministerial and lay religious leaders who are members of the Unit. It shall: (1) promote an educational program designed to give moral and ethical interpretation to the civil rights struggle; (2) interpret the work of the Association to organized religious groups of all faiths; (3) enlist the support of such organized religious groups for membership, fundraising, and the struggle for equality and full civil rights; and (4) provide resourceassistance for religious education and social action activities, associated with the improvement of race relations.
Youth Works
The Committee on Youth Work for State/State-Area Conferences shall consist of all Youth Unit Advisors and Youth Unit Presidents in the state, and five (5) persons appointed by the State/State-Area Conference President. The Committee on Youth Work for Branches shall consist of the Youth Unit Advisor(s), and Youth Unit President(s) in the same community, and five (5) persons appointed by the Branch President. The Youth Unit Advisors and the Youth Unit Presidentsshall choose the chair of the Committee. The Youth Work Committee shall develop and coordinate the programs of the Branch(es) and Youth Units. The Branch Committee on Youth Work shall turn the names, addresses and membership dues of youth solicited by the Branch over to the appropriate National Office recognized youth group, if any, in their community. The Youth Work Committee shall monitor the youth membership in the Branch. If there is no local youth unit recognized by the National Office, the Committee shall recommend the Branch apply to the National Office for a Youth Charter and organize the appropriate youth group.
Women in the NAACP (W.I.N.)
State/State-Area Conferences, Branches, Prison Branches of the Association may organize Women in NAACP (WIN) committees subject to the control of the Executive Committee and to such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors may enact. WIN committees shall consist of a Chairperson and/or Co-Chairperson and at least three (3) other members. WIN shall address within the framework of the NAACP, civil rights issues affecting women and children and shall carry out other civil and cultural activities to enhance membership and provide financial support to the Branch. The purpose WIN is (1) to enhance the leadership role of women; (2) to serve as an advocacy vehicle to address the social, economic, political, educational, health and welfare issues affecting women; (3) to advocate for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual development of children and (4)to support the policies as well as the on-going mission and vision of the NAACP.u.All Standing Committees must have at least three (3) appointed members. They shall report in writing each month to the Executive Committee at its regular meetings.